Friday, December 5, 2008

Hungry Courtney

So lately I have been trying to still give Courtney the bottle for a meal. It is so much easier and I always put off baby food as long as possible! But she just won't drink it anymore and she gets really fussy! She doesn't need a diaper change, she just woke up from a nap, and she won't take her bottle so I sit with her and she is trying to eat my face and acts super hungry!! So I pull out the sweet potatoes and she loves them, I mean loves them!! Eats two of them in one sitting!! Oh my... Dinner time same thing but with the banana's! I think that she is sick of the milk that she has been eating for 7 months and wants the real food and I think that she loves it!! So now I really am feeding 3 mouths now!! My three hungry little monsters!!

p.s. sorry no pictures I will take some later!!

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