barely made the cut off!!
Lauren- Hey give me that, it is mine!
Mom's with there cute baby's, in different categories
Lauren-I should get everything that I want because I am pretty!
there now I am happy, for now!
I love Andrew's face, he is so excited to be at the baby contest!
Cute baby Courtney dress in her American outfit!
Nobody is looking but me, but I still wanted a picture of me and my cute kids!
So I know that my babies are beautiful and I know that they are the cutest things in this world!! So I really don't need anyone to tell me that they are cute! But I thought that this is one of the fun things to do at Strawberry days, the baby contest! I enter Lauren and Courtney, Lauren WON 1st prize she was "Miss Viking" She won a trophy and a gift card to Walmart! She also received this certificate!! I think that both of my girls are beautiful!
Hey Michelle,
I randomly found your blog, which is so cool. I had no idea that you guys blogged. But how exciting that Lauren won 1st price. What is Strawberry days? I assume it's in Utah.
So can we be blogging buddies now?:)
Congrat.'s little Lauren...Grandma already knew that you are a cutie and a winner but now your mommy has some =) It was fun seeing all the cute kids and being a part of it. Even though Andrew had a pretty disgusting look on his face in one of the pics. He did have fun playing with a friendly neighborhood kitty that was hanging around. A lot of the boys who weren't in the contest were. It kept them busy for awhile. It was funny watching all of them chase and play with the amazing friendly cat.
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