So Michael is now 32 years old! I got him a tool set, this yummy ice cream cake, and all the birthday love he could handle from the kids and me!!
32 things about Michael from my point of view!
1. He loves the show glee..which is weird to me
2. If there is a show that we both like, he gets upsets if I watch it without him
3. He loves Thursday basketball night
4. He loves Diet Coke..which is so bad!!
5. He is not a clean freak..which most dentists are
6. He loves his new google phone and is on it all the time
7. He loves movies and would watch them every night
8. Loves Raisin Canes, In and Out, and Carls Jr
9. He loves his job and wants to do a good job!
10. of course he loves his Kids
11. Loves me!
12. He really hates to be late to things!
13. He loves to read
14. He loves to sleep in, but who doesn't, right?
15. He has a love/hate relationship with our dog!
16. He really brushes and floss's every night
17. He wins at almost every game we play!
18. He wants to buy a new truck/car someday he is sick of driving the ford escort
19. He loved rap music when we where dating and now is into country music
20. His wife is still in her 20's...but not for to long
21. Michael doesn't like it when he talks on video camera
22. When we were first married Michael would tell people that we were going to have 12 kids
23. Hates talking on the phone for a long time
24. The first 3 years of marriage he slept on the left side of the bed and now he sleeps on the right side
25. Thinks that Courtney will always be a baby, I don't think that he wants her to grow up, at all
26. He loves hats and has like 10 of them
27. He always wears sunglasses when driving, always! (Not at night, of course)
28. He didn't kiss his first girl until he was 21 or 22
29. Michael drove from Florida to California in like 4 days
30. He is a great COOK and I wish he would do it more
31.He loves Nebraska football
32.He would love to travel to Italy someday
So here is one funny story about Michael
Andrew had gotten spotlight in church on Sunday and I was telling Michael about it
Well Michael started to tell me about a time where he was getting spotlighted (as a child), and when they started to talk about him and all the things he liked he said to himself " I have to meet this guy he sounds awesome" and he was a little disappointed that there was no others like him but was happy to be spotlighted! hahah I think its just so funny!!