Wednesday, January 6, 2010

My Funny Kids

Today while I was changing Andrew into his school clothes, I saw somes crumbs (from a cookie) on his bed! So I asked him, "How did these crumbs get on the bed?" He said "The crumbs jumped on pogo-sticks and jumped into his bed!"

Today during lunch Lauren was drinking her juice and she said to me "look mom, daddy is on my drink" I looked and it was a picture of a guy riding a skateboard! So now daddy is a pro skateboarder, in Lauren's eyes!

I told the kids that we are going to the dentist tomorrow and they went looking for their flashlights and told everyone to open their mouths as they looked in! When Lauren came to me she said "WOOOOW, Mom you have a big mouth with lots of teeth!! Thanks Lauren!!!


heather said...

Um, so what happened? I've been thinking about going private too. Please add me, I love reading your blog.

Oh, and I'm so glad that you guys had a great Christmas.

I'm off to figuring out my camera! ;)

heather said...

Dang it, I forgot to give you my email:

Please add me.